Prices ending in 9 help you sell more and increase profits!
There is a good reason for large and small businesses use the technique of prices ending in 9. Find out why and take advantage of it you too!

Have you ever wondered why the stores put prices ending in 9? This choice is not accidental!
There is a psychological explanation behind it. And you will apply this technique in pricing!
You are choosing some products and are faced with $0.49, $1.99, $49.99, $ 99.99, etc.
In psychology, they call it “effect of the digit to the left”, where consumers tend to round the value down.
When calculating the selling price of $50 and put it in $ 49.99, the value mean, psychologically, $ 49.00, ie cheaper. Furthermore, it gives the impression that the product is lower than its normal price, although this is not the case.
Round numbers, such as 50, are easier to remember. And that’s a disadvantage to the seller, because the customer can search for cheaper options. Prices ending in 9 induce purchase right on the moment.
In this context, what matters is not the difference of 1 cent, but the feeling of paying less. Everyone likes discounts!
Article published by a brazilian magazine revealed that in an experiment carried out in France, sale of pizzas was increased by 15% after changing the price of 8 euros to 7.99.
All thanks to the findings on price psychology.
Not only prices ending in 9 increased profits. There are other tricks to get more customers.
Full presentation of products is one of them. The more relevant information about the features, applications and benefits of the item, faster is the buyer’s decision.
Therefore, use these copywriting techniques to describe products into your sales website.
Show your partners that you are working to generate results.
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